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Partner Content from Vets for Climate Action

A practical guide to emmisions reduction in practice

Scope 1 emissions reduction
Onsite emissions

Transition off fossil fuel gas

  • Heat pump hot water

  • Electric clothes dryer - industrial Vs commercial with heating element. There may be limited  availability of heat pump industrial dryers but this may be changing quickly

  • Reverse cycle AC (with climate friendly refrigerant R32 or CO2 if available) 

  • Renewable energy providers and solar options

Reduce anesthetic gas use

See Masterclass on the Carbon Cost of Anaesthesia

  • Capnography - allows safe reduction of gas flow

  • Oxygen generator - cheaper O2, especially if you have rooftop solar

  • Nerve stimulator - better nerve blocks

  • Syringe pump - CRI pain relief, TIVA

Electric vehicles for the practice

  • Novated lease on EV purchases - there are Australian companies that organise novated lease packaging.

  • Install EV fast charger at your practice (if you have 3 phase power this will charge at 75km per hour). There are regularly state government initiatives / grants to reduce the cost to practice

Scope 2 emissions reduction
Electricity purchases

Rooftop solar

Ideally suited for general practice who use most of their power in the daytime. Save $$$.

Green power purchase agreement

Allows scope 2 emissions to become zero

LED lighting replacement

High energy efficiency, long lifespan, cost effective

Battery backup

Better use of surplus solar, provides backup to medicine fridges in power outages, enables participation in Virtual Power plant to create further savings

Solar panel shading for the client carpark

Maximise the surface area available for solar panelling

Energy audit to identify savings

VfCA has an arrangement with Resinc Solar that offer free energy audits to practices

Scope 3 emissions reduction
Emissions from suppliers to your practice 

Employee commute

Install EV charger and roster for team to use (when EVs more widely available)

Go paperless

Hospital management systems


Cloud PACS


Colour coded bins for point of use

Specialist recycling companies

Batteries, phones etc. 

Pet cremation by aquamation

An eco-friendly alternative to flame cremation. 

Deliveries to practice

​Totally compostable packaging NO PLASTIC

Water purifier for autoclave

Avoid deliveries of distilled water 

Reusable hospital drapes, gowns, masks

Helps to reduce landfill

Greenfleet carbon offsets that support biodiversity

Offset travel to conferences

How to support Vets for Climate Action

  • Donation - VfCA is a not for profit charity and any donations would be appreciated, and can be publicly recognised eg. 

  • Promote sustainability and Net Zero

  • Promote our initiative ZerOctober as Net Zero month in the vet profession

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